



Astrological Signs From your Seasons

By Barbara Thomas

A single from the methods that we now have to build a far better understanding from the principles underlying each on the astrological signs is to look directly at the ongoing cyclical method that happens in nature. By observing the birth, death and re-birth system that occurs in nature during the course of the year we can turn into more connected on the seasonal changes and also find clues on the critical function or "job" that each astrological sign is responsible for. Starting in Spring with Aries we will move via each from the astrological signs to determine how they fit into a greater whole. By getting aware with the principles of every sign we can understand how each is an critical part in the larger process.

Aries - Initiation - Germination - Emancipation

After sowing and germination the seedling breaks out with the seed and creates its way from the soil to emancipation. The Aries principle is symbolized by the catalytic process and by acts of initiation and innovation. It's not necessarily the job of Aries to follow through! The career of Aries is to spring into action in new and innovative methods using their natural leadership and delegation skills to empower others to be involved.

Taurus - Formation - Fertilization

The outward impulse to manifest and thrive that was supply in Aries now gives way to the methodical and practical shaping in the new life thereby doing a secure foundation for future growth. The Taurus principle involves the practical shaping and formation of value. Their work is to define and codify their values; what they own, so that they can actualize their potential and leave an inspiring legacy for others

Gemini - Dissemination

Now how the seedling is secure it begins to branch out and interconnect having a complex root system. The Gemini principle is driven by the compelling have to connect objects with 1 an additional to form ever greater links. Their work is to experience a diversity of sensations, thoughts and encounters so that they can create systems or theories of knowledge that are then disseminated to others.

Cancer - Assimilation

At the summer solstice the light is at its zenith. The budding plant has assimilated nurturing inside the environment and is starting to manifest an identifiable form. The Cancer principle involves the assimilation of impressions in the outer globe specifically intimate experiences of nurturing. Their job is to build a secure and stable sense of belonging for themselves and others that stems from their experiences of certain familial imprinting or that is centered in their awareness of belonging to a higher spiritual family.

Leo - Fruition - Cultivation - Production - Actualization

In the heat of summer the fruit is ripe and able for picking. The Leo principle relates towards the ripening and expression of one's creative energies. Their work is to tap into the beauty and fiery spirit in the divine baby inside and be role models for others in how to allow that energy flow outwards so that it's brought to fruition.

Virgo - Discrimination -Perfection

The reaping begun in Leo now reaches full harvest in Virgo; a harvest culled using the discriminative faculties with the intent of making it cleanly, precisely and with care. The Virgo principle involves analyzing and improving upon the creative output generated in Leo through discernment and efficiency. Their job is to utilize the discriminative faculties from the mind and their discipleship to enhance and perfect the physical vehicle so that it becomes a purified vessel for Divine spirit.

Libra - Resolution - Equilibrium - Completion

The autumnal equinox marks the beginning of fall, which initiates a balance in nature. The falling of leaves begins the formation of fresh humus which will eventually replenish the soil depleted by the many years growth. The Libra principle is associated with equanimity, justice and mediation. Their employment is to be peacemakers; to promote a social consciousness that may be just to all and to reflect and mirror to others the balance and beauty, the light and dark, of relationship.

Scorpio - Transformation

This technique corresponds towards starting of an inward turning period in nature when outer elements gradually decay and life returns on the earth . The external types have died back to leave absolutely nothing but bare trees and bushes around the exhausted earth from which life can flourish anew. The Scorpio principle involves the descent into darkness to change the ego and to emerge like a strong bearer of light. Their employment is to become role models for others in the highest use of passion and power.

Sagittarius - Diversification - Expansion

After the decay and transformation in Scorpio the earth is now teaming with new life; earthworms are breaking down the decayed material and replenishing the soil with new energy. The earth is expanding the effortless materials left over into complex nutrients required for new life. The Sagittarius principle expands the concrete mind (knowledge) by demonstrating how meaning is created in the understanding of diversity (wisdom). Their job is to codify their philosophical and religious understanding to become role models and non-dogmatic teachers of universal wisdom.

Capricorn - Consolidation - Preservation

At the Winter solstice tiny in nature is left above ground and all living things have to consolidate and maintain their energies so that you can survive the cold of winter. At this time of shorter days and ever increasing light the earth patiently endures, waiting for new forms to manifest. The Capricorn principle demonstrates how self-reliance and consolidation of power and authority cause mastery. Their work is to be certain role models who demonstrate mastery of accomplishment and right use of power and authority.

Aquarius - Reformation

After the struggle for survival in Capricorn much on the life energy of nature nonetheless lies hidden below the ground In the Aquarius phase we see how nature disposes of her superfluous forms. Everything that has no far more use or has not stood the test of winter is given up. The Aquarius principle relates for the breaking up and reformation of collective values. Their job is to be visionaries; humanitarian revolutionaries who have tapped into the next collective wave from the future and who are committed to getting at the forefront from the liberation of humankind.

Pisces - Integration

In the final stage of nature's cycle composting soil is able for spring planting. The breaking up program of Aquarius is taken to its logical conclusion inside complete destruction of form; blending into the whole. The Pisces principle involves surrendering the individual sense of "I" to allow for integration to the whole. The career of Pisces is to teach us the importance of surrender and to help us open our consciousness so that we can transcend our perception of separateness.

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